Category: Allgemein
Daily Dose of Denmark: Lønstrup Nachmittag
Deine tägliche Prise Dänemark: Lønstrup Nachmittag Ein kühler, sonniger Tag an der Küste. Die frische Brise vom Meer verwirbelt die Haare. Unwillkürlich atmet man kräftiger ein. Tiefer, noch tiefer! Bis die salzige Luft in den Lugenspitzen ankommt. Die Augen durchschneiden die klare Luft. Suchen den Horizont ab, ruhen auf den Ferienhäusern und wandern die Bögen…
Daily Dose of Denmark – Magenta skies
Your daily photograph from Denmark: Magenta skies at Blokhus beach Manchmal reicht es, einfach ein wenig länger zu verharren. Dem Schauspiel am Himmel zuzusehen, und auf die perfekte Harmonie der Farben zu warten. Ist es mir hier geglückt, geduldig genug zu sein?
Daily Dose of Denmark – A Picture a Day
Your daily photograph from Denmark: burning sky at Blokhus beach. If you have ever been to northern Jutland then you surely will remember this big structure of wood and paint, sitting atop the dunes at Blokhus. It oversees the north sea and makes a landmark to all going, driving or sailing by. Here I was…
Daily Dose of Denmark: Sunset in Store Vildmose
Your daily photograph from Denmark today: Sun setting in the Store Vildmose. The sun and clouds create a stunning show of light, lines and forms. Nothing else is needed. See all daily posts here.
Morgenstimmung bei Meermond
Vor kurzem durfte ich eine wunderbare Morgenstimmung in Løkken erleben und sie fotografisch festhalten. Die Bilder habe ich Meermond gewidmet und auch dort publiziert. Denn ohne sie gäbe es das alles hier nicht. Vielen Dank dafür, und für vieles mehr. 💓 Hier geht’s zu dem Artikel. 🙂
The strange hut
In the wild moor (Vildmoset) in northern Jutland, there’s a strange hut in the middle of nowhere. On the edge between fields and the wild original moor, where old trees are growing and the ground is boggy. Maybe it once was used as a shelter for animals, or for machines and tools used for farming.…
Storm “Ingolf” and the coast of Løkken
On the weekend of the 28th/29th of October a heavy storm hit the coast of Denmark. While it was stronger more southward, the wind was still blowing with 8 or 9 bft in northern Denmark, and made for some great pictures on the pier at Løkken beach. The pictures were taken on two consecutive days,…
Flying high
Spontaneous art with broken shells. I just wish I had nicer (and cleaner) fingers.
Sankthans aften
Shortly after midsummer, the day with the longest day and the shortest night, the whole of Vendsyssel in northern Denmark seems to be covered in smoke, and bonfires light up everywhere. It is celebration time, and that’s something the Danes excel in: throwing a party! The original reason for the festivities seems to be, that…
Oystercatchers with fledglings
Look what’s running around, looting for insects on the company’s parking lot: A family of oystercatchers. The chicks are definitely too young and small to fly, so they must breed somewhere on the – mainly unused – parking lot or on the adjacent fields or grass strips. It’s cute to watch them running around, feeding…